Workshop on:
"Contemporary challenges in project and program management"
Braşov, 14 - 15.12.2011
       Cel de-al patrulea atelier de lucru cu titlul "CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES IN PROJECT AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT” s-a desfăşurat în perioada 14 - 15.12.2011. Ideile practice, precum si cele teoretice vizând managementul proiectelor şi programelor au fost publicate în cadrul volumului "CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES IN PROJECT AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT”.
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Imagini din timpul desfăşurării seminarului
Lista participanţilor şi a lucrărilor prezentate în cadrul atelierului de lucru:
Nr. crt. Prenume, nume Titlu comunicare
1. Livia-Luciana AGACHE Mentoring Prison Leaders
2. Monica BANGALE Improving the Budget Execution Process
3. Valentin DĂMINESCU Organizing the Plenary Meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Civilian Intelligence Committee (CIC)
4. Nicolae-Laurentiu DINU Replace the accounting software used in MoD FAD – Financial Accounting Directorate
5. Dragos DINU Open Sources Platform
6. Eugen DRAGAN Set – Up a Company to Council Start – Up Businesses
7. Luminiţa - Mihaela MEDELEŢ Reorganizing the Education and Psychosocial Assistance Department according to the O.M.J. 2199/C/15.11.2011 in the Bucharest – Rahova Penitentiary
8. Codruţ MITROI Company’s ABC Data Center
9. Andreea Florina NETEDU The Training Center for the Staff of Baia Mare Penitentiary
10. Cristea-Gabriel RĂU Build-up an e-Learning Platform within ‘Henri Coandă’ Air Force Academy – eAFA
11. Anton-Mugurel ROG Building an Electronic Archive in the Public Institution X
12. Cătălin RUSU Feasibility Study on Intelligent Building
13. Ciprian VÂŞCĂ-ZAMFIR Rehabilitation of a Degraded Periurban Area
14. Vasile VIERU Organizing a Conference On Cyber-Security on behalf of the Romanian Intelligence Service